Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
Passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June 2019 through House Bill 3, TEC
§48.112 set a goal that Texas classroom teachers would have access to a six-figure salary. The state Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) provides additional financial distributions directly to districts based on teacher identification, student need as identified by compensatory education allotment (see TEC §48.104), and campus location (i.e., rural vs. non-rural). Statute requires that ninety percent of TIA funds are used for compensating teachers employed at campuses with TIA-designated teachers.
Based on a locally-developed teacher designation system detailed in TEC
§21.3521, teacher access to additional compensation is based on the local identification of teachers as master, exemplary, or recognized. The local system must consider teacher evaluation and student growth outcomes. Once earned, teacher identification is applied to an individual’s teaching certificate and valid for a five-year period.
This field guide, initially released 6/28/21, is intended to provide an overview of the implementation of TIA in Rankin ISD.