The Red Devils Cross Country Team ran at tough meets with state ranked teams, upper classifications..
Consistently beat 1A teams in our region at all of the meets in which several state ranked 3A-5A teams were running against us.
We beat three state ranked 1A teams (Roby, Hamlin, Eula). We unfortunately did not ever get ranked even though we beat three of them.
At state level we had the overall best Spread finish from 1st - 5th runner and that is including beating State champion Comstock.
Everyone improved and hit their PR.
Goals met: Beat BV, win District, Place in top 4 (3rd place) at Regionals, beat Westbrook who beat us at Regionals, Go to State- beat Westbrook and Munday from our Region.
Beat state ranked teams along the way... all goals met except for top ten finish at state...
Very proud of this team and their heart to make it happen..
Coach Bright & Coach Ludwig