Friday is School Maintenance Appreciation Day and we are thankful for our Maintenance Department! They work hard every day to ensure that our vehicles, facilities, and grounds are well cared for and taken care of. They show their Red Devil Pride by striving to keep our campuses not only looking great, but also functioning great. We appreciate all that they do to support education through their daily work. Thank you RISD Maintenance Team!
about 16 hours ago, Elidia Gallardo
Upcoming Picture Days 3/17 - HS & JH Track pictures (after lunch) 3/18 - HS Golf, HS & JH Tennis pictures (8th & 9th periods) 4/15 - Pre-K graduation portraits (morning) 4/30 - Pre-K - 11th grades spring portraits & class pictures (all day) Questions? Contact Ms. Martinez
about 16 hours ago, Elidia Gallardo
pic day
No School Tomorrow, Thursday March 5th Good Morning Rankin ISD, When it comes to school closure, I assure you the decision is not taken lightly. There will be no school tomorrow, Thursday March 5th. We waited until this morning to see if the forecast would change any, but the weather is forecasted to be very close to what it was yesterday. The winds will be in the mid 20s with gusts over 30mph, which will cause unsafe travel conditions for a large portion of our students. Closing school is the safest decision we can make at this point. I apologize if this causes any inconveniences. I would also like to remind you that we do not have school on Friday. Please enjoy your spring break! If you have any questions or concerns, please call me. I am always happy and willing to answer your questions and address your concerns. Thanks, Shaye
about 18 hours ago, Elidia Gallardo
Due to the weather concerns Thursday, we will run a combined JH and HS meet tomorrow (3/5). We are currently working on a schedule of what this will look like but I anticipate starting the meet around noon for HS and 2pm for JH. Boys golf will still go to Robert Lee. Questions? Contact Coach Avalos
1 day ago, Elidia Gallardo
Dear Rankin ISD families, First of all, I owe the families who have children that ride the bus to school an apology. I should have made the decision to cancel the bus routes this morning. I apologize for having students on the road during these unsafe conditions due to the high winds. During times of adverse weather conditions (like today), I ask for your understanding when it comes to scheduled events, such as track meets, golf tournaments, etc. These events could change at any moment, and could change several times throughout the day. Please be prepared for multiple messages like this and to check the Rankin ISD Facebook page for updates throughout the day. As far as canceling and delaying school or bus routes, it is always a difficult decision. We are required to be at school for a minimum number of minutes/days per school year. We try to set a calendar that has built in extra time, but it still makes that decision difficult. Safety is always our top priority. Instructional time is always a focus as well. Thursday is supposed to be just as bad as today. We are considering options for Thursday right now. Thanks for your understanding and patience. If you ever have concerns or questions, please call me. My office number is 432-693-2461 and my cell number is 806-496-6913. I would much rather you call me than post things on Facebook. Direct communication is the only way I can understand and fix your concerns. Sincerely, Shaye
1 day ago, Elidia Gallardo
Good Luck Red Devils!
1 day ago, Elidia Gallardo
Just a friendly reminder - Early Release on Thursday. Questions? Contact your student's campus principal.
2 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Go out and support the Red Devils!!! WE ARE RED DEVILS!!!
2 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Red Devil events! WE ARE RED DEVILS!!!
3 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
We are Red Devils!!!
3 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Go out and support the Red Devils!
3 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Congratulations to the Red Devil OAP cast and crew! District Advancing Show Best Performer: Monse Presas All Star Cast: Lathin Langley, Heath Amthor, Lorelei Duerstine, Aryann Rodriguez All Star Honorable Mention: Taight Jackson, Fernando Arrioloza, Tucker Kimbrough, Mia Lopez Outstanding Crew: Sofia Moran, Julia Griswold, Hunter Amthor, Isabella Escajeda, Kloe Johnson, Lindy Jackson All Star Crew: Sofia Moran Next competition, OAP Bi-District, is scheduled on March 25th at Rankin High School.
6 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Go out and support the Red Devils! WE ARE RED DEVILS#
7 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Rankin ISD is hiring for the 25-26 school year! We are currently looking for a Secondary Science Teacher. Applications may be submitted online at: For Questions please contact Brad Riker at
8 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Job Opening
Go out and support Red Devil OAP! Break-A-Leg Red Devils!
9 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Rankin High School is hosting a blood drive this Wednesday beginning at 10AM in the gym foyer. If you are available, we really need adults to help out because many of our students have One Act that day or don’t meet the weight requirement. Please call Carla at the high school office or Mrs. Amy to sign up.
10 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
blood drive
Weekly HS Events
10 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Weekly Athletic Schedule
10 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Go out and support the Red Devils!
10 days ago, Elidia Gallardo
Good Luck Red Devils!
13 days ago, Elidia Gallardo